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GTD With Todoist, Evernote and Google Calendar | Dr Veronika CH


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  • Full Title: GTD With Todoist, Evernote and Google Calendar | Dr Veronika CH
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  • The goals of the system are to keep me focused on important projects, but not forget everything else give me insight into how much I’ve already done not overschedule my time / say no more often not get overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done eliminate decisions on what to do next
  • Rather than the five steps of GTD, I see my system as just two steps: capture and organize.
  • Capture everything I have never really had problems with forgetting to do something I promised, failing to start a project on time, or missing a deadline. So when I read GTD, the “capture everything” idea seemed a bit unnecessary. But it has been a life changer! My rule is: as soon as I think of something I (might) need or want to do in the future, no matter how vague it is, I have to capture it in Todoist or Evernote immediately. I tend to use Todoist for actions I’m quite sure I will do, like: send a reminder to a collaborator upload my recent paper to arXiV buy printer paper
  • Evernote, on the other hand, is for ideas and “maybe” actions: idea for a project around the house an article I want to read a piece of advice I want to remember
  • The most important thing, however, is to just choose one of the two and not spend too long thinking about it. The capturing must happen as soon as possible, so I tend to only add a keyword or two, and then organize later
  • Quick access widgets on my phone
  • Both Todoist and Evernote have awesome widgets for your phone
  • I use these widgets extensively when I’m walking somewhere, doing things around the house, and in conversations where I wouldn’t normally be taking notes. For example, I’ve started doing this with all sorts of recommendations from others, for example for podcasts. In work meetings I actually tend to use pen and paper because I write faster and I don’t want to use my phone the whole time. Then I transfer everything into Todoist/Evernote as soon as I’m in my office again.
  • Todoist plugin for Gmail
  • A trap that’s easy to fall into is to let your email dictate your day. Most emails have some todos associated with them, and it’s tempting to handle these first, before starting “real work”. Not anymore with Todoist plugin for Gmail. This plugin adds a button which lets you create a todo from an email. I do this for two types of emails – emails that will need time to respond to, and emails I need to follow up on. As an example of emails that need time to respond to, I’m using a reminder email to complete my reviews for a conference (I had returned the reviews already at that point). Since I wouldn’t necessarily be able to do this when I received the email, I would create a todo out of it by clicking the Todoist button (right of the Labels button). This opens up a Todoist window, which already has the email’s subject (as description) filled in, and possibly dates that might be involved.
  • The subject is automatically used as a description
  • Once I add the todo, I archive the email!
  • This archiving was scary at first, but this goes away with time.
  • Another way I use this plugin is for emails I need to follow-up on
  • Email forwarding to Evernote If an email contains some information I might want to use, but I’m not sure exactly when I will need it, I forward it to Evernote. Some examples: Procedures on how to do something, e.g. filling in reimbursement forms Newsletters with great content which I might want to use as inspiration someday Happy emails, e.g. “thank you” emails or papers getting accepted.
  • Share to Evernote
  • Evernote offers more ways to save to it, such as the Evernote Web Clipper for Chrome desktop, and “Share via” option that many Android apps have, and where Evernote comes up as an option if you have it installed. Some examples: A website I like the layout or structure of and want to use as inspiration A website of a person I might want to contact An article I might want to read An article I already read, but want to share with others A Twitter thread with good advice or opinions Opening times of a store I always forget the name of A picture of an item I might want to buy A picture of an event poster, that I might want to attend
  • Perhaps I should mention here that another rule I have for capturing is that I HAVE to use Todoist or Evernote. Not “leave it on the table where I will see it”, “I’ll just write it down over here” or “I’ll just add it to my favorites”. This part isn’t always perfect, but I’m improving, and writing this post actually helped me identify problem areas (leaving things on the table). Thanks! 🙂