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Boost your career as a software developer through blogging

Source: Jimmy Briggs Mail - [Lesson 0] A blog that boosts your career (

"I honestly think that building a blog—provided you do it the right way **may be the most valuable thing you do for your career.**"

--- John Sonmez

The biggest question I get is “How is building a blog going to boost my career?

Most software developers I talk to have no idea how beneficial building a blog can be to:

  • Getting a better, higher paying job
  • Getting a higher raise
  • Getting more freelancing clients
  • Raising your freelancing rates—by a lot
  • Having random people follow you around at airports asking for your autograph
  • Stop bullets with just your thoughts

(Ok, maybe not the last two…)

I honestly think that building a blog—provided you do it the right way—may be the most valuable thing you do for your career.

Why am I so sure?

Because, by far, it has been the most valuable thing I did for my career and I’ve interviewed and am friends with many top software developers like Robert (Uncle Bob) Martin, Scott Hanselman, Jon Skeet, Jeff Atwood and many others who have told me the same thing.

Ok, so you still might be wondering how building a blog is actually going to help you.

Well, let me tell you a little story.

A while ago, about a year after I started my blog—before I was running Simple Programmer full time—I was looking for a new job.

I was invited to an interview at a certain high profile company.

I walked into the interview and shook the interviewer’s hand. He held my hand a little longer than normal, sort of turned his head and said “Hey! I know you. I’ve read your blog.”

The interview didn’t last long. In fact, there wasn’t really an interview. We just sort of chatted for about half-an-hour and then he gave me a job offer.

It was at that moment that I realized how valuable my blog was. I hadn’t even been blogging very long at all. Just that little bit of credibility. Just that little bit of name recognition, went a long way… a very long way.

Oh, and the offer, it was about twice what I had expected.

But that is not the only way a blog can help you boost your career. Having a blog is like having an extended resume that anyone can read. It also opens up a world of opportunities as prospective employers and customers come directly to you, instead of you going out and hunting for them.

Now, I’m not going to lie.

Just having a blog is not enough.

That’s why I put together this email course.

You also need to know how to create the right kind of blog that will maximize your success.

So, whether or not you’ve ever created a blog or if you already have one, but it’s not producing the results you want, you’ll want to pay careful attention and follow the instructions in the emails I’ll be sending you over the next 3 weeks.

I’ll be sending you two lessons each week.

Just a heads-up though. The lessons are pretty packed with information, so you might want to set aside some time to go through the lessons and do what the lesson is telling you to do if you want to get the most out of them. Each lesson should take you from 10 to 30 minutes to complete.


list from [[Boost your career as a software developer through blogging]] AND -"Changelog"