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Ep. 64 — Habit Tune-Up — A Look Inside My Book Research Systems


  • Author: Deep Questions with Cal Newport
  • Full Title: Ep. 64 — Habit Tune-Up — A Look Inside My Book Research Systems
  • Category: #Type/Highlight/Podcast


  • Is There A World Without Emale? Summary: In evernote, for whatever reason, when i’m dealing with files, i like to keep them in my directory structure on computer. In the research folder for this book, i have a directory called articles from social physics. This is an agile online company that got rid of all the overhead because they’re so cheap. We are talking about premium wireless plans for only fifteen dollars a month and unlimited text data delivered on the nation’s largest five g network. Transcript: Speaker 1 Let me see what’s in chapter three or four. Might have the type of material i need for the point i’m trying to make, and then i’ll go back to the book to find out information. Rie to have a bunch of notes like this, i Speaker 2 also have Speaker 1 folders. So i’m going here to my writing folder on my mack. And now i am going to see here the folder for this. Boo. A world without emale. All right. So then in my a world without e male folder on my back my mack, i have a folder called research. And so i have a bunch of folders in here as well. So basically, what are these folders and how are they different? In evernote, for whatever reason, when i’m dealing with files, i like to keep them in my directory structure on computer, as opposed to, i guess you can attach files and ever note. I just trust is more. I’m a drop box fan, and all my different machines use drop box to synchronize my main directory. So you know, any file i add to this directory, not only doesit show up all my other machines, but it’s also stored in drop box folders. Actually, drew huston, the c e o of drop box is one of the endorsers. Is an endorsement from drew the new book. He’s very interested in these types of ideas. We overlapped each other, actually. A little bit interesting tid bit at m i t. I think he was a master student, or an undergrad computer science student at m i t, while i was also a grad student there. All right, so i’m looking through here, and ah, its articles, mainly. Tso like i just mentioned, i just mentioned, for example, that i had done slash dot notes on a book called social physics. I had a note in every note that kind of quickly summarized the type of stuffs in each chapter. So i cold i could more easily draw stuff from that book when i’m trying to put together a chapter. In my directory on my mack, in the research folder for this book, i have a directory called articles from social physics. And inside it i have one, two, three, four, five. These are p df of academic articles that are cited in that book that i thought were particularly relevant, or potentially relevant, to the book i was writing. So i have a bunch of these directories underneath research ar collection of academic articles stored in p d forma. The other thing i find in this research directory is transcripts of interviews. So i did a bunch of i views. I tend to take notes real time when i do interviews. I do the interviews on the phone and take notes real time. All of those are being stored in these directories as well. Allright, so that’s a look at how i actually store this information. Ad and then when i start working on a chapter for a book, i’m drawing from these notes. I’m reading these papers, and i begin to build an annotated outline straight in micro sopt word, which is what i currently use. Thohm, interested in scrivener, so i’ll put a pin in that, but for now, i dist use microso word because i know it. And i’ll build out a sort of annotated outline in a word document for that chapter, where i begin trying to figure out what i want to say and what order i want to say. And i begin pulling information, you knowt out o ever note. I go to these articles stored in my research directories, and i pull out the relevant ones and read them and pull out quotes, and i get this big some ad hock form added annotated outline that grows hor i’m kind of pulling in and making sense of what i want to say, ind al the materials. And once that gets into a form i like, and i’ve pulled in all the stuff and want to pull into the word document at the top of it, i start writing. So that when i’m writing that chapter, i’m looking just primarily at information that’s in the same document. I can really work on it anywhere. And that is how chapters are formed. Rit s, question. Good question, because it gave me a chance to get a little bit more in the weeds about how i actually organize and store the information. Went on working on a book chapter. T take a moment here to talk about ment mobile. As i mentioned on monday’s episode, ment mobile offers premium wireless plans for only fifteen dollars a month. We are talking unlimited talk and text, plus high speed data delivered on the nation’s largest five g network. They’re so cheap because they got rid of all of the overhead. This is an agile online company. You do it all on line. They mail you a simcar straight to your your (Time 0:25:01)