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The ibmdbR package

Source: The ibmdbR package - IBM Documentation



The ibmdbR package provides methods to read data from, write data to, and sample data from a Db2® database. It also provides access methods for in-database analytic functions and functions for storing R objects in the database.

For more information about a particular function in this package:

In-database analytic functions

The following table lists the in-database analytic functions that are provided by ibmdbR. For more information, see In-database analytics using R.

In-database analytic function Corresponding in-application analytic functions Description
idaArule arules Discover relationships among items in transactional data.
idaKMeans kmeans Create a k-means model to analyze data clustering.
idaLm lm Create a linear regression model.
idaNaiveBayes naiveBayes Create a naive Bayes model for predictive analysis.
idaTree rpart Create a decision tree (classification tree or regression tree) model.

Each model is stored in your database in a set of tables. Each of the tables in this set has a name that contains the name of the model. Deleting or modifying one of these tables would corrupt the entire model. Therefore, it is recommended that you simply ignore these tables and do not work with them directly. Instead, use the In-Database Analytic Models page of the web console to manage your models.

Some in-database analytic functions generate models into which you can feed new data to make predictions based on that new data. For example, you might generate a naive Bayes model based on the height, shoe size, and gender of a particular population. You could then feed new height and shoe-size data into that model to make predictions about the gender of each person in the new data set.

General methods, functions, and operators

The following table lists the general methods, functions, and operators that can be applied to an IDA data frame and, for each, the corresponding data frame method, function, or operator.

For use with an IDA data frame For use with a data frame Description Load data from an IDA data frame into a data frame
colnames, cor, cov, dim, head, length, max, mean, min, names, print, sd, summary, var colnames, cor, cov, dim, head, length, max, mean, min, names, print, sd, summary, var Same for both data frame and IDA data frame
idaCreateView - Create a view that is based on an IDA data frame
idaMerge merge Merge (join) two tables
idaSample sample Draw a random sample

Functions for interacting with data in the database

The ibmdbR package provides additional functions for interacting with data in the database. The following table contains a summary.

Function Description
idaShowTables Show all tables and views in the current schema
idaExistTable, idaIsView Check whether table or view exists and check its type
idaDeleteTable, idaDropView Delete a table or view
idaQuery, idaScalarQuery Query the database Load a data frame into a database and return an IDA data frame that points to it

Storing R objects in the database

Storing R objects in the database (as opposed to in local memory or in a local file system) makes it easier to share them among users. Each user is assigned two tables for R object storage:

  • A private table, to which only that user has access
  • A public table, which can be read by other users

Use a data structure called an IDA list to generate a pointer to either of these tables, and use the pointer to list, store, or retrieve R objects. For more information, enter ?ida.list at the R prompt.

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