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How to take a Digital Note

What to take a digital note of

  1. Inspiring (for me in the future?)
  2. For instance a TESTIMONIAL notebook to be picked up
  3. Useful
  4. Source, building block, tools
  5. Use best practices to not reinvent things pre-existing
  6. Easily lost
  7. Things unlikely to find in the future? (uses questions to set criteria)
  8. Personal
  9. Unique, hard-won knowledge worth revisiting over the years

Types of digital notes

Tiago shows a table of content for a sample of his notes in about two months

  1. Marketing assets
  2. Everybody needs to be in marketing for their interests. Things which are difficult to come up with yourself.
  3. Example: testimonial, case studies, list of top features,
  4. Mementos
  5. Keeping track of interesting events about your work.
  6. Example: your top selling book in amazon
  7. Reference/record-keeping
  8. Practical and utilitarian
  9. Workaround for publishing ebooks on Amazon internationally
  10. E-Mail template messages
  11. New content
  12. Ex: Ideas inspiring new articles
  13. Re-purposed content
  14. Content produced as reactions to interactions online to be reused.
  15. Content can be infinitely re-purposed”. Avoid starting from scratch, for instance when moving from one medium to another.
  16. Ex: Top Posts coming from actual community preference.
  17. Most frequently asked questions.
  18. Favorites
  19. Instapaper favorites sync-ed
  20. Call/meeting notes
  21. Interesting and useful things from calls.
  22. Contributions of others
  23. People’s contribution, feedback, revisions, comments
  24. Language to borrow
  25. Capturing the way an idea is expressed
  26. Language can and should be re-purposed
  27. Helpful models
  28. Best practices ready to be applied.
  29. Ex. an email to send when a client purchases a course, to be re-purposed for my course. Model here is more a template.
  30. Spreadsheet to keep track of podcast publishing schedule.
  31. Placeholders
  32. Empty spaces preparing for future content
  33. Research/inspiration
  34. Early stage of note taking. You read something and you don’t think when and if it will be useful. Put here anything that resonates with you.
  35. Planning/Reorganization
  36. Ex: analyzing topics of article published and turning them to tags in the blog.
  37. Preparation/Agenda
  38. Key questions for an interview.


list from [[How to take a Digital Note]] AND -"Changelog"