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Tackling Procrastination, Building a Productivity System From Scratch, and the Intellectual Shallowness of Social Media | DEEP QUESTIONS


  • Author: Deep Questions with Cal Newport
  • Full Title: Tackling Procrastination, Building a Productivity System From Scratch, and the Intellectual Shallowness of Social Media | DEEP QUESTIONS
  • Category: #Type/Highlight/Podcast
  • URL:


  • I have four points. One figure out what matters. Focus on the thing that matters. Try to minimize the time you spend on everything else, too, when working on the things that matters to the degree that it’s possible. Do so in a state of depth. Unbroken undistracted concentration produces more from your brain than any other cognitive state. 0.3 deliberately trained these skills like a musician or athlete or professional chess player. If you want to get better at a hard skill that’s important. You have to practice. This means you have to do work designed to stretch you passed where you’re comfortable. If possible, get feedback to help point you towards where you need work, where you’re falling short. Where things are going well, deliberately practicing will expand your skills much faster than just trying to do something more and more and my fourth point. Use the career capital. These skills generate as (TimeĀ 0:13:00)
  • Note: Summary of the book - points
  • you’re starting from having absolutely no system in place? Right. So in other words, let’s say you you’re just realizing you need productivity in your life. How you build a productivity system from scratch. So, Mohammed, when it comes to productivity, and let me just be clear when I say productivity. Uhm, I’m talking about getting your arms around all the different stuff that you you have to do all of your different obligations so this could apply to your professional life. This could apply to your personal life. Any successful system must have three pillars. Capture, configure control. I’m sort of stretching the terms here so I could be a literate tive because I (TimeĀ 0:25:57)
  • Note: Three pillars of productivity systems - Capture, Configure, Control