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PostgreSQL Triggers

Source: Introduction to PostgreSQL Trigger


A PostgreSQL trigger is a function invoked automatically whenever an event such as insert, update, or delete occurs. In this section, you will learn about triggers and how to manage them effectively.

  • Introduction to PostgreSQL trigger – give you a brief overview of PostgreSQL triggers, why you should use triggers, and when to use them.
  • Create trigger – show you step by step how to create your first trigger in PostgreSQL.
  • Drop trigger– describe steps of how to use the DROP TRIGGER statement to delete a trigger from a table.
  • Alter trigger – guide you on how to use the ALTER TRIGGER statement to rename a trigger.
  • Disable trigger –  show how how to disable a trigger or all triggers that belong to a table.
  • Enable triggers – learn how to enable a trigger or all triggers associated with a table.



A PostgreSQL trigger is a function invoked automatically whenever an event associated with a table occurs. An event could be any of the following: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or TRUNCATE.

A trigger is a special user-defined function associated with a table. To create a new trigger, you define a trigger function first, and then bind this trigger function to a table. The difference between a trigger and a user-defined function is that a trigger is automatically invoked when a triggering event occurs.

PostgreSQL provides two main types of triggers: row and statement-level triggers. The differences between the two kinds are how many times the trigger is invoked and at what time.


For example, if you issue an UPDATE statement that affects 20 rows, the row-level trigger will be invoked 20 times, while the statement level trigger will be invoked 1 time.

You can specify whether the trigger is invoked before or after an event. If the trigger is invoked before an event, it can skip the operation for the current row or even change the row being updated or inserted. In case the trigger is invoked after the event, all changes are available to the trigger.

Triggers are useful in case the database is accessed by various applications, and you want to keep the cross-functionality within the database that runs automatically whenever the data of the table is modified. For example, if you want to keep the history of data without requiring the application to have logic to check for every event such as INSERT or UDPATE


You can also use triggers to maintain complex data integrity rules which you cannot implement elsewhere except at the database level.  For example, when a new row is added into the customer table, other rows must be also created in tables of banks and credits.

The main drawback of using a trigger is that you must know the trigger exists and understand its logic to figure it out the effects when data changes.

Even though PostgreSQL implements SQL standard, triggers in PostgreSQL has some specific features:

  • PostgreSQL fires trigger for the  TRUNCATE event.
  • PostgreSQL allows you to define the statement-level trigger on views.
  • PostgreSQL requires you to define a user-defined function as the action of the trigger, while the SQL standard allows you to use any SQL commands.


To create a new trigger in PostgreSQL, you follow these steps:

  • First, create a trigger function using [CREATE FUNCTION]( statement.
  • Second, bind the trigger function to a table by using CREATE TRIGGER statement.

Create Trigger Function Syntax:

CREATE FUNCTION trigger_function() 
AS $$
   -- trigger logic

Notice that you can create a trigger function using any languages supported by PostgreSQL. In this tutorial, we will use PL/pgSQL.

A trigger function receives data about its calling environment through a special structure called TriggerData which contains a set of local variables.

For example, OLD and NEW represent the states of the row in the table before or after the triggering event.

PostgreSQL also provides other local variables preceded by TG_ such as TG_WHEN, and TG_TABLE_NAME.

Once you define a trigger function, you can bind it to one or more trigger events such as [INSERT](, UPDATE, and [DELETE](

Introduction to PostgreSQL CREATE TRIGGER Statement

The CREATE TRIGGER statement creates a new trigger. The following illustrates the basic syntax of the CREATE TRIGGER statement:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name 
   {BEFORE | AFTER} { event }
   ON table_name
       EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function

In this syntax:

First, specify the name of the trigger after the TRIGGER keywords.

Second, specify the timing that cause the trigger to fire. It can be BEFORE or AFTER an event occurs.

Third, specify the event that invokes the trigger. The event can be INSERT , DELETE, UPDATE or TRUNCATE.

Fourth, specify the name of the table associated with the trigger after the ON keyword.

Fifth, specify the type of triggers which can be:

  • Row-level trigger that is specified by the FOR EACH ROW clause.
  • Statement-level trigger that is specified by the FOR EACH STATEMENT clause.

A row-level trigger is fired for each row while a statement-level trigger is fired for each transaction.

Suppose a table has 100 rows and two triggers that will be fired when a DELETE event occurs.

If the DELETE statement deletes 100 rows, the row-level trigger will fire 100 times, once for each deleted row. On the other hand, a statement-level trigger will be fired for one time regardless of how many rows are deleted.

Finally, specify the name of the trigger function after the EXECUTE PROCEDURE keywords.


The following statement create a new table called employees:


CREATE TABLE employees(
   first_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,

Suppose that when the name of an employee changes, you want to log the changes in a separate table called employee_audits :

CREATE TABLE employee_audits (
   employee_id INT NOT NULL,
   last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
   changed_on TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL

First, create a new function called log_last_name_changes:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_last_name_changes()
    IF NEW.last_name <> OLD.last_name THEN
         INSERT INTO employee_audits(employee_id,last_name,changed_on)
    END IF;


The function inserts the old last name into the employee_audits table including employee id, last name, and the time of change if the last name of an employee changes.

The OLD represents the row before update while the NEW represents the new row that will be updated. The OLD.last_name returns the last name before the update and the NEW.last_name returns the new last name.

Second, bind the trigger function to the employees table. The trigger name is last_name_changes. Before the value of the last_name column is updated, the trigger function is automatically invoked to log the changes.

CREATE TRIGGER last_name_changes
  ON employees
  EXECUTE PROCEDURE log_last_name_changes();`

Third, insert some rows into the employees table:

INSERT INTO employees (first_name, last_name)
VALUES ('John', 'Doe');

INSERT INTO employees (first_name, last_name)
VALUES ('Lily', 'Bush');`

Fourth, examine the contents of the employees table:

SELECT * FROM employees;

Suppose that Lily Bush changes her last name to Lily Brown.

Fifth, update Lily’s last name to the new one:

UPDATE employees
SET last_name = 'Brown'
WHERE ID = 2;`

Seventh, check if the last name of Lily has been updated:

SELECT * FROM employees;`

As you can see from the output, Lily’s last name has been updated.

Eighth, verify the contents of the employee_audits table:

SELECT * FROM employee_audits;`

The change was logged in the employee_audits table by the trigger.


list from [[PostgreSQL Triggers]] AND -"Changelog"