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SQL - PostgreSQL - Count NULLs

Source: sql-snippets/ at main · count/sql-snippets (

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Part of the data cleaning process involves understanding the quality of your data. NULL values are usually best avoided, so counting their occurrences is a common operation. There are several methods that can be used here:

  • count(*) - count(<column>) - use the different forms of the count() aggregation which include and exclude NULLs.
  • sum(case when x is null then 1 else 0 end) - create a new column which contains 1 or 0 depending on whether the value is NULL, then aggregate.
with data as (
  select * from (values (1), (2), (null), (null), (5)) as data (x)

  count(*) - count(x) with_count,
  sum(case when x is null then 1 else 0 end) with_case
from data
with_count with_case
2 2


list from [[SQL - PostgreSQL - Count NULLs]] AND -"Changelog"