<% const dv = this.DataviewAPI const escapePipe = s => new String(s).replace(/|/, ‘\|’) // required for links in Markdown table / You may want to collect your utilities in a central Javascript module below the Obsidian vault, e.g. in a file lib/utils.js. The file can be included via const { escapePipe } = require(app.vault.adapter.basePath + “/lib/utils.js”) */ %>

File Tags
// Note that dv.table() cannot be used as it creates HTML but we want Markdown.
// .where(p => p.tags == ‘0-Slipbox’) // a custom attribute, specified like “doctype:: project”
.map(p => {
let file = escapePipe(dv.fileLink(p.file.path))
let tags = p.file.tags.map(t => ${t.text} ${escapePipe(t.link)}).join(‘
return |${file}|${tags}|