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Dr. Explain is an awesome documentation tool for developing, generating, and exporting help files in HTML, CHM, or PDF format. Currently, there are not many products available for generating the classic windows help-file .chm format.

To add your exported .chm help to an existing VBA project, add code such as the following to a VBA module and/or a RibbonX callback Sub-module to launch the help file user guide:

Call Shell("explorer.exe " & ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Documentation\Help.chm", vbNormalFocus)

Assuming your help files is located in a directory named “Documentation” with file name “Help.chm” this code would launch the file using VBA directly.

If you have a custom RibbonX XML customUI14.xml file contained within your project, and a button or control related to HELP or DOCS the callback for VBA would look like so:

'Callback for bttnHelp onAction
Sub viewHelp_callback(control As IRibbonControl)

  Call Shell("explorer.exe " & ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Documentation\PayoutProcessGuide.chm", vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

Pasted image 20220701103614.png

You can also associate the CHM file with your VBA project via the VBE Editor’s Project Properties window:

Pasted image 20220701103425.png


list from [[DrExplain]] AND -"Changelog"