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62 Productive Things to Do When Bored at Home


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  • I recently completed David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done. I read it as part of my goal to complete at least two books each month and found it to be quite insightful. Among other lessons, one thing I took away from it was the concept of a bored list. The premise behind it is simple: Create a list of tasks that you can do when you’re bored Next time you’re bored, look at that list and work through it
  • So, I pulled up my bored list. And one of the tasks on my list was to transfer photos from my phone into the cloud. Something super easy and mindless. I took action. No show was going to hold my attention anyways. I just wasn’t in the mood for it. But instead of wasting my time by complaining or going on Snapchat, I used it productively. I transferred my photos, checked an item off my list while still relaxing, and made good use of that excess energy.
  • My bored list sits at the top of my schedule. And when I’m bored, it’s the place I go to use that time well. You can put your list anywhere though. The where doesn’t matter as long as you know where to find it.
  • Note: Before you can be productive, you first need to understand what it is that you want (so that you move in the right direction)
  • Productive things to do when bored at home (by category)
  • Productive things to do: Improve yourself
  • incremental improvements each and every day and continuously leveling yourself up. Whether you’re looking for productive things to do at work, home, or while stuck in line somewhere, personal development is a great place to start
  • Learn something new One of the best things to do to be productive when bored is to learn something new. Whether that means: Reading a book Going through a course on goal success Or reviewing that article you’ve been meaning to check out There is no better investment for your boredom than learning.
  • Productive things to do: Hone your talent What are you good at? How can you get even better? Determine your strengths and work on building them up even more. One area that I’ve recently been improving on is my reading ability. As a former slow reader, I’ve been practicing speed reading this year and have witnessed some great results because of it.
  • Read Although mentioned in number one above, reading is really an item all its own. There are so many amazing books out there. Ones with adventure, wisdom, emotion, and more. When you’re bored (especially at home on a rainy day), I highly recommend picking up a book
  • Productive things to do: Visit the library
  • Go to a museum
  • Productive things to do: Make a playlist
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Productive things to do: Learn from mistakes Have a misstep that you keep revisiting in your head over and over again? See it as a lesson to be learned. Create a new note on your phone and write down: What you wanted to happen What actually happened And how you will do things differently next time This is something I will be doing myself as I finish the book Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell (where I originally came across the idea).
  • Set goals Goal setting is incredibly important. It adds a direction to your time, a focus. Without it, you can be productive but lost. Like a ship without a compass or map. If you want to be more deliberate about your time, I can’t recommend goal setting enough. I know it can be challenging though. In fact, here’s a post about my (many) struggles with goal setting.
  • Productive things to do: Write a letter to your future self Here’s one of the more fun productive things to do – write a letter to yourself. I wrote one to myself a few years back and will have it locked away for a total of 10 years. Part time-capsule of my life in that moment, part prediction for what I hope my future will look like, the letter is patiently waiting to be opened and enjoyed.
  • Productive things to do: Try something new Doing new things is an excellent way to learn and grow. By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, or by testing out new things that interest you, you open yourself up to a whole slew of new opportunities. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for productive things to do at home, on vacation, or in some other locale, there are many unique things that you could be trying out right now. Take a look at the list below and get inspired to experience something new.
  • Change your morning routine If you’ve been in a rut lately, consider changing your morning routine. After all, your morning routine is the first impression of your day. The better the morning, the better your afternoon and evening will be.
  • Productive things to do: Create an evening routine Don’t have a bedtime ritual? You probably do but don’t realize it. Your evening routine is the last impression of your day and sets you up for success tomorrow. So don’t neglect it. If you’re bored and want to switch things up, change up your night routine.
  • Try stargazing If you have a good vantage point or live in an area without too much interfering light, try stargazing. Do some research beforehand on what to look for and then go out and enjoy the vastness of space.
  • Productive things to do: Go camping Here’s one of the more adventurous and productive things to do at home when bored – plan a camping trip. You don’t necessarily need to go on it right now, but you can start planning for it. Give yourself something fun to look forward to. Gather supplies, get your gear ready, and then go out and enjoy yourself. You’ll feel much closer to nature and will get a much-needed rest from technology for the night.
  • Venture outside Take a break from work, regain some balance, and try something new outside. Maybe do a little yoga on the lawn. Maybe try going on a hike. Explore your interests and tackle an activity that you’ve never tried before.
  • Productive things to do: Watch tutorials Speaking of interests, now’s a great time to explore them. Is there some activity that you’ve always wanted to try but never learned how? Like the previously mentioned yoga? Go on YouTube, find a video, and start doing it.
  • Learn a foreign language Along those same lines, you can apply the principles from number 16 to learning a foreign language as well. Then, as you begin to master that language…
  • Keep one plant alive This is probably one of the stranger productive things to do, but bear with me. I currently have three plants that I’m growing right now and it’s… well… oddly rewarding. You can spend time researching the plants you want and how to take care of them. You can purchase them and begin nourishing them. And from there you can watch them grow. Start with just one plant and see how you do! *Note: In case you’re curious, I use an app called Planta for information about watering schedules. And the plants I currently have are: Lucky bamboo Peace lily And bird’s nest fern
  • Note: Need to get a plant - added to Todoist
  • Productive things to do: Start a bullet journal If you don’t currently have a system in place for note-taking, planning, or thought-jotting, consider starting a bullet journal. Here are a few ideas to help you get started
  • Productive things to do: Invest in your future Looking ahead and creating a plan for it is one of the best ways that you can spend your downtime. Plus, it’s fun to do! Consider where you are today and imagine where you’d like to be tomorrow. Then with your plan of the future ready, you can start to take action and move forward in that direction. Here are some productive things to do to help create a brighter future for yourself.
  • Learn how to grow your money Or at the very least, get a retirement account set up. It’s one of those productive things to do in life that will pay off massively as you approach the future. Now, I know this topic can feel overwhelmingly complex and time-consuming – but hey – you’re bored so why not take a few minutes to look into it?
  • Productive things to do: Again, set some goals Please, for my sake, if you haven’t set any goals in your life yet, do me a favor and set some. You will be surprised by how much of an impact they will make on your future.
  • Spend time with those that push and challenge you Do you have a friend that is super motivating? That when you end your time together you: Get in your car Pull up a new note on your phone Jot down a ton of ideas And can’t wait to get home to start implementing them?
  • If you have someone in your life like that, call them. Right now. That’ll put an end to your boredom, but more importantly, it will give you a nice lift in inspiration.
  • Productive things to do: Meet up with someone that you can learn from Here’s one of the more useful things to do when bored – find someone to learn from. I love meeting new people that I can learn from. It’s like eating at an upscale buffet, but for my mind. It’s so satisfying and always leaves me feeling inspired and motivated to put that newfound knowledge into action. So if you’re bored, see if there’s someone of interest that you can reach out to and learn from. *Note: I found Judy Robinett’s book, How to Be a Power Connector, to be quite helpful on this matter.
  • Start a side project Also known as a side hustle or side business, this is a great way to earn some extra money and pursue your larger goals – all while warding off boredom. Now, I’ve started a lot of side projects – many of which have failed. But I learned a great deal from those experiences and have continued to use those lessons as I move forward. In fact, QuickBooost (what you’re reading right now), started off as a side project and is now my full-time gig. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, starting a side project is a great productive thing to do when bored.
  • Productive things to do: Test out new time management strategies While you’re bored, why not try out a new time management strategy or two? That way you can spend more time doing what you enjoy – and less on what you don’t. Check out my post here for some strategies to test.
  • Create a plan to pay off debt It seems like many of the things to do that are productive with your time include evaluating your finances. And no task is more important in that regard than creating a plan to pay off any debts that you owe. Consider how much you make (monthly), how much you spend (monthly), and how you can use that extra income to pay off your bills.
  • Productive things to do: Create a list of travel destinations It doesn’t matter if you’re not traveling at this very moment, you can still use this time to get excited about the future. So pull up a note on your phone, do a little digging through Lonely Planet or Pinterest, and start listing all of the amazing places you will travel to. Then… start planning the trips!
  • Try some productivity hacks This productive thing to do is similar to number 27, but that’s ok. Productivity hacks are just as valuable as time management strategies. That said, you can see my post on hacks here.
  • Productive things to do: Start planning your days If you’re not already a planner, I highly recommend that you become one. Because when combined with your goals, having a plan for your time allows you to focus on things that actually matter.
  • Productive things to do: Have fun One of my favorite productive things to do is simple – do something fun! It’s similar to the previous section (Try something new), except doing something fun doesn’t necessarily need to be something original. As long as you find joy in doing it, that’s a great use of your time. Here are some productive things to do with that in mind.
  • Productive things to do: Go for a bike ride somewhere scenic
  • Productive things to do: Share your knowledge Here’s another of the fun productive things to do at home if you’re bored… make a how-to video for YouTube and share your knowledge with the world. Best case, you help someone. Worst case, you spend a few hours doing something fun.
  • Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone Is there something you know you should do but have been putting it off? Now’s a great time for it.
  • Start a new hobby I love to read. I’ve noticed other common hobbies include: Woodworking Guitar playing Hiking Knitting Golfing Running Bread making
  • Productive things to do: Become a better decision maker Umm… how is making decisions fun? Ya, that’s a solid question. Here’s your answer – the better you are at making decisions, the less friction you will have in your life. So by enhancing that skill, you are removing much discomfort down the road, thus allowing yourself to have more future fun. Here’s my post on becoming a better decision maker.
  • Productive things to do: Better your health One of the best uses of your time, and one of the top productive things to do, is to get healthy. Whether that means striving for a healthier mind or body, being healthy allows you to feel better, look better, and do better. Plus, you will have more energy. Energy that you can use to work towards your goals. With that in mind, here are some productive things you can do to get healthier.
  • Watch the sunrise (or sunset) This is one of those productive things to do outside that is great for contemplation and relaxation. Grab a chair, put in your headphones along with some music that you love, and watch the sun move through the sky.
  • Productive things to do: Go for a swim Pretty straightforward – swimming is a great form of exercise. Try it out.
  • Take a walk What are some productive things to do? Things that are particularly easy and beneficial? Here’s one – get outside and take a walk. Walking always helps clear my mind and see problems in a new way. Oh and while on your walk, tell yourself 20 things that you are grateful for. Try it and see how you feel.
  • Productive things to do: Go airplane mode If you want to know what to do to be productive, here’s another great idea – put your phone on airplane mode. Take a break from the constant notifications and give yourself the chance to focus on whatever is most important to you.
  • Take a nap Don’t take one because you’re procrastinating though. In that case, you’re better off just doing your work. But if you’re bored, having nothing to do, and are having a tough time keeping your eyes open, try taking a short power nap.
  • Productive things to do: Go for a hike Similar to number 15, one of my favorite productive things to do is to get outside into nature. Explore a new trail away from your boring house.
  • Try something new physically Here’s one of the more challenging things to do to feel productive – do a new physical activity. Make a list of four or five exercises you always wanted to partake in and then make it happen. Some ideas include: Yoga Hiking Surfing Skiing Weight lifting Meditating
  • Productive things to do: Envision your ideal body Imagine what your ideal body looks like. Are you a little trimmer? Or maybe a little bigger and stronger? Consider what would make you feel most confident and then create a plan to make it happen.
  • Create a new food regime If you have a regular routine that you follow, you likely eat similar foods each day. If that is the case, one of the smartest and productive things to do when you’re bored is to reevaluate your meals. Look at your average breakfast. Is it as healthy as it can be? Or is there something small that you can sub out to make it healthier? For example, I used to eat flavored greek yogurt each morning but now eat plain greek yogurt with a little cinnamon; fewer calories, fewer ingredients. Do that across all your meals and watch how much better you feel.
  • Productive things to do: Clear out your mental clutter When I have a lot of thoughts bouncing around in my head, I write them down. I get everything out of my brain and onto paper so that I can focus. Then at the end of each day, I look at that list, organize it, and move each item to its rightful home. I highly recommend doing this if you feel like you have a lot of ideas bouncing around in your head.
  • Productive things to do: Get organized
  • I love putting things in their place and preparing for whatever I need to do next. Whether that’s planning out my day or clearing off my desk, I find getting organized to be a satisfying activity. With that in mind, here are some various ways that you can get organized in your own life.
  • Create email templates Create email templates for both your personal and professional emails. It will save you so much time – especially if you often find yourself repeating the same messages over and over. *Bonus: If you like that, here are some other things to try.
  • Productive things to do: Clean out your junk drawer What productive things can I do at home? This one is a must! You definitely have some drawer or cabinet filled with junk in your house. Put on some music, get a trash bag ready, and clean it out.
  • Productive things to do: Prep your meals for the week Hey look! Another (of the many) useful things to do at home – get your meals ready for the week. Or at the very least, plan for what meals you will have. That way there will be no surprises and no wasted time scrambling to figure out what to scramble.
  • Plan out your week Every Sunday, I sit down and plan out my week. I look at my goals, check out my calendar, and map out each day. Doing so has allowed me to go into my weeks with focus and determination. You can learn more about my Sunday practices here.
  • Productive things to do: Make backups of everything If you’re still wondering how to be productive at home when bored, try this – make a backup of everything digitally important to you. Sync your data with the cloud, get your laptop backed up. Do whatever you need to do to get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have copies of everything important.
  • Organize your phone What to do to be productive at home, you ask? Here’s an easy one – organize the apps on your phone. I bet you don’t use all of the apps on your phone. In fact, you probably only use a fraction. Delete the ones you aren’t using and remove the excess clutter.
  • Productive things to do: Get your goals in order To add to the list of things to do to be productive at home, be sure to check in on your goals. Consider: Are they still positively serving you? Are you making the progress that you want? Do you need to make any adjustments? Evaluate your goals and decide if you need to change anything up.
  • Productive things to do when you are bored at home That’s it! You’ve made it through the entire list of productive things to do when bored at home. I know there’s a lot to go through so to make it a little easier, here is what I suggest you tackle from each category: Improve yourself – Read Try something new – Keep one plant alive Invest in your future – Again, set some goals Have fun – Make a new dish Better your health – Take a walk Get organized – Plan out your week If you even do a quarter of the things I just listed, you will surely eliminate boredom and positively set yourself up for a better future. Productive things to do moving forward There are a lot of productive things to do when bored. Start working toward something amazing today and give one of the activities above a try. With each new experience, you’ll learn more about yourself. In time, you’ll formulate an even better understanding of what motivates and inspires you. And with those ideas in mind, you can create new goals and start building a better future off of that. So say goodbye to boredom and say hello to a more fulfilled life.