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132 — Willpower and Your Environment


  • Author: Focused
  • Full Title: 132 — Willpower and Your Environment
  • Category: #Type/Highlight/Podcast


  • Timing - The Intelligent Time Tracking Ap That You Can Trust Summary: This episode of focus is brought to you by timing, the intelligent time tracking ap that you can trust. Timing automatically tracks everything that you do on your mack without having to lift a finger. It also detects when your individual call lets you record what the meeting was about after you get done. To try timing for free and save ten % when you subscribe. Transcript: Speaker 2 and and when you’re thinking in those terms, a lot of the tricks we talk about with respect to habits apply equally here. You know, linking the linking the behaviors, you know, creating the ideal environment to perform the behaviors make it hard not to do the thing you want to encourage yourself to do. Or the inverse Speaker 1 exactly. This episode of focus is brought to you by timing, the intelligent time tracking ap that you can trust. Let’s talk a little bit about why you might want to track your time. For anyone billing there ours, this s a little obvious, but even if you’re employed or you’re billing per project, you might need to estimate how long a specific task is going to take for example. And time tracking can help you staynd track with those estimates to make sure you don’t end up in the red in your projects. And it also helps you make more accurate estimates in the future. In to day’s work environment, work changes so quickly, you can’t start and stop a timer for everything. This is one of the things that made time tracking difficult for me when i got started. And the good news is that your computer already knows what you do, so why not have it track your time for you? That’s why timing automatically tracks everything that you do on your mack without having to lift a finger. You can trust it to always give you the complete picture, and you don’t have to worry about manually starting and stopping timers. But timings intelligent track king doesn’t just stop there. It also detects when your individual call lets you record what the meeting was about after you get done. There’s even more magic like this in timing to make recording your time as easy as possible. And if you are collaborating with colleagues, timing teams future lets you share projects with them and record everyone’s time in a central location for full transparency, which lets managers get a quick over of where their team members spend their time while still preserving their team’s privacy, because which aps, documents and web sites each team member used stays private and is not visible to managers. I love timing. I’ve been using it for years. I have it running on my max right now, and i love how effortless it is. You really just install it, turn it on and then let it go, and it will still provide you valid information. You can go in there and you can tweak things like the productivity scores based on the individual aps that you use. I don’t really use that a whole lot, but i do really like the visual reports. And i like the way that it shows me that how i think i spend my time isn’t always how i actually spend my time. And when i see the discrepancy in the data compared to how i think the last several days or weeks have gone, i’m forced to answer the question, what did i actually do? Timing gives me the truth. And then from there, i can make adjustments to my systems or my environment, so i can stay focused on the things that i really want to do. And that data is accurate, because timing is so incredibly easy to use. You can just set it and forget it, which makes it a great solut for anybody who has struggled with manual time tracking before. Now, if you want to take control f how you spend your time and improve your productivity, then down load the free 14 day trial to day by going to timing ap dot com slash focused, f o c us e d, and you’ll save ten % when you subscribe. That’s timing ap dot com slash focused. To try timing for free and save ten % when you subscribe. Or thanks to timing for their support of the focus podcast and all of relayotem. (Time 0:32:45)