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54. Listener questions #7 — Big projects vs sub-projects and where to store support material


  • Author: Getting Things Done® podcast from GTDnordic
  • Full Title: 54. Listener questions #7 — Big projects vs sub-projects and where to store support material
  • Category: #Type/Highlight/Podcast


  • Do You Have a Project to Find For It? Summary: There are some things that that the tey have separates, you know, finished lines for different parts of a bigger project. We suggest also that you will only use one next action per project, per context. If we have too many active projects with too many nexed actions on the same context, yoat leads to overwhelm because there is like 200 things i can pick from. So make sure that you are on the most important things and on that project. Transcript: Speaker 2 Not necessarily five, but there are some things that that the tey have separates, you know, finished lines for different parts of that bigger project. And we certainly want to be sure that you don’t miss any of those. Because what happend as got that one done, checked it off, and then the phone rang, and then got to capture the next action in that one, what’st going to keep you going towards that finished line is if you have a project to find for it. So it really am you know, i im it’s so nice to take these bigger projects. I had one other other example from a seminar was because we actually had two participants who both had the same project over all, at least a they needed to launch a new website. And one person was a web developedor had done it many times, so thatit was really literally just a project for for that person, launche this new webside. For another person who was sort of a, you know, i was going to say multiasking, that’s not the right thot, right word, but one who ad lets a project assistent, who was involved in a lot of different projects, had a lot of small projects on her own list as well and that project for her, was not just a launch er webside, because there were so many moving parts that she was not comfortable and did not sort of know them offe ofer of experience what needed to happen. So it was really when hes to get all the texts revisited and translated, we to find new pictures, tis ly, to solve the technical caletes. There were really a lot of smaller projects for her in that big project. So both their lives really had the same goald, but the way they got there and the corresponding gecity system was just very different. So the way you used this in it, i thought this was also a good way now too, for the listeners now listening to so just as part of maybe your next weekly review, or if you want to reflect later to day, to just run through that project, listen and make sure that they actually incaptulate where you were, you on’te be, and that you have all the moving parts cept Speaker 1 well, tot this is, you know, just remind people that the basic of getting things done project and next action is that the project has a decided outcome, what you want to be true in th future here. Andand then you have next action is based er that is born from these projects. So make sure that you are on the most important things and on that project. So so we suggest also that you will only use one next action per project, per context. Which means that if you need to take a phone call and send a nemale, and theycan, they are not in interdependent of each other, so that they don’t need to be sequential. They can be paralleled then. And there are on two different arenas, one is on the phone and one is on the only your computer, then that’s fine. That’s not a problem. And but, e, the problem here is that if we have too many active projects with too many nexed actions on the same context, yoat leads to overwhelm, because there is like 200 things i can pick from. So an, we don’t like overwhelm. We actuallyii hate it. I don’t like that. You know, i want to have freedom. I want to have the feeling of mastery. I want to feel feel good about my work. And the only person who can do something about that is me and how i plan and look at things. And when you re negotiate something affullist er, it’s not forgotten, and you still feel good about it, but it’s just not active any more. For instance. So i come backto my idea of when you use e, if you have a, you know, the big project could be, let’s try to make it a little tangible for people. Maybe. I don’t know, let’s, let’s play with at with a, you know, a scenario. So let’s say that you are headed, youre your task with moving your 200 people, big office to location. So let’s pretend that you’ve already found the location. O what’s what is left? And you’ve, you’ve signed the contract. So what’s left is furbishing furniture, intar structure and what you call on boarding, orr, getting people from migration from the old to the new office sthese are huge projects. You know, if it wold, we’ve 200 people, and you really have to think, and maybe one of these, these projects, you know, are going to be, for instance, you know, infer structure, re furbishing an inferstructore will bedon in the same category, because refurbishing means to, you hawe, to paint (Time 0:11:24)