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MarkDownloads Overview

type: folder_brief_live

## Settings Reference

For the title, as well as the front- and back-matter custom text, you can use the following text replacement values. Please note that not all websites will provide all values

  • {title} - Article Title
  • {pageTitle} - Title of the actual page
  • {length} - Length of the article, in characters
  • {excerpt} - Article description or short excerpt from the content
  • {byline} - Author metadata
  • {dir} - Content direction
  • {date:FORMAT} - The current date and time. Check the format reference
  • {keywords} - Meta keywords (if present). Comma separated by default.
  • {keywords:SEPARATOR} - Meta keywords (if present) separated by SEPARATOR. For example, to separate by space, use {keywords: }

There is also support for all meta tags not mentioned above, should the page you are clipping support them. For example, try {og:image} or any other widely supported meta tags

URL information:

  • {baseURI} - The url of the article
  • {origin} - The origin of the URL, that is its scheme, its domain and its port.
  • {host} - The domain (that is the hostname) followed by (if a port was specified) a ':' and the port of the URL.
  • {hostname} - The domain of the URL.
  • {port} - The port number of the URL.
  • {protocol} - The protocol scheme of the URL, including the final ':'.
  • {pathname} - An initial '/' followed by the path of the URL, not including the query string or fragment.
  • {search} - The URL’s parameter string; if any parameters are provided, this string includes all of them, beginning with the leading ? character.
  • {hash} - A ‘#’ followed by the fragment identifier of the URL.

Additionally, you can ‘parameterize’ any of the text variables (other than date and keywords) by using the following syntax:

  • {variable:pascal} - PascalCase: Every word capital
  • {variable:camel} - camelCase: every word capital except the first word
  • {variable:kebab} - kebab-case: hyphens between words, all lowercase
  • {variable:snake} - snake_case: underscores between words, all lowercase

My Settings


  "backmatter": "\n***\n\n## Appendix: Links\n\n- [[3-Resources/Clippings/MarkDownloads/README|MarkDownloads]]\n\n***\n\nJimmy Briggs | [[{date}]]",
  "bulletListMarker": "-",
  "codeBlockStyle": "fenced",
  "contextMenus": true,
  "disallowedChars": "[]#^",
  "downloadImages": true,
  "downloadMode": "downloadsApi",
  "emDelimiter": "*",
  "fence": "```",
  "frontmatter": "---\nDate: [[{date:YYYY-MM-DD}]]\nAuthor: Jimmy Briggs <>\nTags: [\"#Type/Clipping/Markdownload\"]\nKeywords: [{keywords:, }]\nAlias: [\"{{title}\"]\n---\n\n# {title}\n\n*Source: [{title}]({baseURI})*\n\n*Clip is {length} characters long.*\n\nAuthor: {byline}\n\n> ## Excerpt\n> {excerpt}\n\n\n",
  "headingStyle": "atx",
  "hr": "***",
  "imagePrefix": "{pageTitle}/",
  "imageStyle": "markdown",
  "includeTemplate": true,
  "linkReferenceStyle": "full",
  "linkStyle": "inlined",
  "mdClipsFolder": "Markdownloads",
  "saveAs": false,
  "strongDelimiter": "**",
  "title": "{pageTitle}",
  "turndownEscape": true

Jimmy Briggs | 2022 |