rco analyzes your code and applies different optimization strategies that return an R code that runs faster.
Using the RStudio Addins
Optimize active file: Optimizes the file currently open in RStudio. It will apply the optimizers present in all_optimizers.
Optimize selection: Optimizes the code currently highlited in the RStudio Source Pane. It will apply the optimizers present in all_optimizers.
Using the shiny GUIs
rco_gui(“code_optimizer”) opens a shiny interface in a browser. This GUI allows to easily optimize chunks of code.
rco_gui(“pkg_optimizer”) opens a shiny interface in a browser. This GUI allows to easily optimize R packages that are hosted at CRAN or GitHub.
Using the R functions
Optimize some .R code files
optimize_files(c(“file_to_optimize_1.R”, “file_to_optimize_2.R”))
Optimize some code in a character vector
code \<- paste(
“code_to_optimize \<- 8 ^ 8 * 1918”,
“cto \<- code_to_optimize * 2”,
sep = “\n”
Optimize all .R code files into a folder
optimize_folder(“~/myfolder_to_optimize”, recursive = FALSE)