SQL - PostgreSQL - Split a Single Column into Separate Rows¶
Source: sql-snippets/split-column-to-rows.md at main · count/sql-snippets (github.com)
View an interactive version of this snippet here.
You will often see multiple values, separated by a single character, appear in a single column.
If you want to split them out but instead of having separate columns, generate rows for each value, you can use the function REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE
WITH data AS (
FROM (VALUES ('yellow;green;blue'), ('orange;red;grey;black')) AS data (str)
REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE(str,';') str_split
FROM data;
The separator can be any single character (i.e. ','
or /
) or something more complex like a string (to&char123
), as the function uses Regular Expressions.
str_split |
yellow |
green |
blue |
orange |
red |
grey |
black |
Appendix: Links¶
list from [[SQL - PostgreSQL - Split a Single Column into Separate Rows]] AND -"Changelog"