SQL - PostgreSQL - UPSERT¶
Source: https://gist.github.com/nosamanuel/11260660
create table foo (id serial primary key, data json);
with updated_foo as (
update foo set data = '"bar"' where id = 1
returning id
insert into foo (id, data)
select 1, '"foo"'
where not exists(select id from updated_foo);
-- data is inserted with value "foo"
with updated_foo as (
update foo set data = '"bar"' where id = 1
returning id
insert into foo (id, data)
select 1, '"foo"'
where not exists(select id from updated_foo);
-- data is updated with value "bar"
Appendix: Links¶
list from [[SQL - PostgreSQL - UPSERT]] AND -"Changelog"