SQL - SQL Server - Table and Column Details¶
Source: https://dataedo.com/blog/useful-sql-server-data-dictionary-queries-every-dba-should-have
select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as schema_name,
tab.name as table_name,
col.name as column_name,
t.name as data_type,
t.name +
case when t.is_user_defined = 0 then
isnull('(' +
case when t.name in ('binary', 'char', 'nchar',
'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') then
case col.max_length
when -1 then 'MAX'
case when t.name in ('nchar',
'nvarchar') then
as varchar(4))
else cast(col.max_length
as varchar(4))
when t.name in ('datetime2', 'datetimeoffset',
'time') then
cast(col.scale as varchar(4))
when t.name in ('decimal', 'numeric') then
cast(col.precision as varchar(4)) + ', ' +
cast(col.scale as varchar(4))
end + ')', '')
else ':' +
(select c_t.name +
isnull('(' +
case when c_t.name in ('binary', 'char',
'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar',
'varbinary') then
case c.max_length
when -1 then 'MAX'
case when t.name in
'nvarchar') then
as varchar(4))
else cast(c.max_length
as varchar(4))
when c_t.name in ('datetime2',
'datetimeoffset', 'time') then
cast(c.scale as varchar(4))
when c_t.name in ('decimal', 'numeric') then
cast(c.precision as varchar(4)) + ', '
+ cast(c.scale as varchar(4))
end + ')', '')
from sys.columns as c
inner join sys.types as c_t
on c.system_type_id = c_t.user_type_id
where c.object_id = col.object_id
and c.column_id = col.column_id
and c.user_type_id = col.user_type_id
end as data_type_ext,
case when col.is_nullable = 0 then 'N'
else 'Y' end as nullable,
case when def.definition is not null then def.definition
else '' end as default_value,
case when pk.column_id is not null then 'PK'
else '' end as primary_key,
case when fk.parent_column_id is not null then 'FK'
else '' end as foreign_key,
case when uk.column_id is not null then 'UK'
else '' end as unique_key,
case when ch.check_const is not null then ch.check_const
else '' end as check_contraint,
cc.definition as computed_column_definition,
ep.value as comments
from sys.tables as tab
left join sys.columns as col
on tab.object_id = col.object_id
left join sys.types as t
on col.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
left join sys.default_constraints as def
on def.object_id = col.default_object_id
left join (
select index_columns.object_id,
from sys.index_columns
inner join sys.indexes
on index_columns.object_id = indexes.object_id
and index_columns.index_id = indexes.index_id
where indexes.is_primary_key = 1
) as pk
on col.object_id = pk.object_id
and col.column_id = pk.column_id
left join (
select fc.parent_column_id,
from sys.foreign_keys as f
inner join sys.foreign_key_columns as fc
on f.object_id = fc.constraint_object_id
group by fc.parent_column_id, fc.parent_object_id
) as fk
on fk.parent_object_id = col.object_id
and fk.parent_column_id = col.column_id
left join (
select c.parent_column_id,
'Check' check_const
from sys.check_constraints as c
group by c.parent_column_id,
) as ch
on col.column_id = ch.parent_column_id
and col.object_id = ch.parent_object_id
left join (
select index_columns.object_id,
from sys.index_columns
inner join sys.indexes
on indexes.index_id = index_columns.index_id
and indexes.object_id = index_columns.object_id
where indexes.is_unique_constraint = 1
group by index_columns.object_id,
) as uk
on col.column_id = uk.column_id
and col.object_id = uk.object_id
left join sys.extended_properties as ep
on tab.object_id = ep.major_id
and col.column_id = ep.minor_id
and ep.name = 'MS_Description'
and ep.class_desc = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN'
left join sys.computed_columns as cc
on tab.object_id = cc.object_id
and col.column_id = cc.column_id
order by schema_name,
Appendix: Links¶
list from [[SQL - SQL Server - Table and Column Details]] AND -"Changelog"